Song for Bowed Percussion: “observing a sugar maple…” - for Percussion Quartet (2022)

Duration: ca. 5’00”
Instrumentation: 2 Vibraphones or vibraphone and crotales 2 oct. (4 players/8 bows)
Program Note:

Song for Bowed Percussion “...observing a sugar maple” is an exploration of harmonic language, this short piece for crotales and vibraphone is heavily inspired by Elliot Cole’s Postludes for Bowed Percussion. The goal was to take a simple harmonic structure and let the sonority of the percussion fill the space. After writing the music out, this line from Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself came to mind. “I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.” I took this line to come up with the title of the song, “...observing a sugar maple.” Meant to be slow and evocative using familiar harmonic language, this piece is a message of simplicity and openness.

The piece was premiered on December 7th, 2022 by Kyle Auth, Cesar Siliezar, Evie Mayberry, and Jesse Buttrick.

Score: $20 USD or €20. Performers read from the score.
The score can be bought by contacting me at Parts will be sent through email as .pdf files formatted for letter size paper. 
The recording can be purchased for digital download from my BandCamp page (click the player above).